How much does it cost to have a lawyer create a new business entity, such as an LLC, LLP, or S-corp?
Attorneys are highly trained professionals and, thus, they charge for their time and effort. That said, you don’t want to spend any more money than necessary to realize your goals. It is generally a great idea to seek a lawyer who offers a free consultation. This will help you evaluate two things: one, you can witness the attorney’s ability to communicate and explain your rights, initially. This is important because your business law lawyer will be advising you on a host of interrelated topics; you should be able to understand him or her immediately and without multiple explanations.
Secondly, you can ask the lawyer how much time he or she will need to spend on your case. At the same time, you can evaluate whether the attorney’s advice and assistance will be worth the money. If the lawyer impresses you, then, chances are, you will be happy to pay him or her to guide your over time and take the stress of off your shoulders
Trust one of our skilled attorneys in PA for the drafting of documents to prevent your personal liability, including:
Operating Agreements,
Documents related to the Purchase of a Business,
Purchase Orders,
Employee Handbooks, and more!
Call or email to schedule a free consultation with a lawyer to help incorporate your business in PA.