Outside of Western PA?


Free Consultation: 412.780.0008


We can help any business get licensed to do business in Pennsylvania.  In order to bring suit in PA, your company must be registered to do business here, unless it is a partnership that exists in Pennsylvania.   No sweat.  We routinely handle such licensing and incorporation in Pennsylvania. We also  give advice about matters that impact federal law issues and events carried out  in other states.


We represent individuals and corporations who want to sue (or who have been  sued) in Pennsylvania. Your state of domicile is not important. In Pennsylvania,  we have represented clients as far away as Thailand while they remained  overseas at all material times! We can petition the court to allow you to testify  by video or telephone, for example.

Litigation and Drafting

Our practice extends into federal court and we accept clients with matters in  Western PA who may happen to live in any city or state state. Over the years,  we have represented clients from all over the world who have matters in state or  federal court in Pennsylvania. Locally, we do litigation and drafting for business  law matters throughout Allegheny, Beaver, Washington and Butler County,  locally, and throughout the USA.

Business Purchase

In Pennsylvania, our business incorporation lawyers also handle a business purchase, and various  copyright matters, naming matters that impact individuals, businesses, and non-profits. We also  handle cases for people and corporations throughout the planet.

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    We will represent clients from Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and  Wyoming, Atlanta, Houston, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Chicago, Detroit, Miami,  Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, Atlanta, Columbus, Indianapolis, Charleston,  Richmond, Tampa, Salt Lake City, Green Bay, Baltimore, Alabama, Alaska,  Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia  (Atlanta), Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana,  Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri,  Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New  York (New York City, Buffalo), North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma,  Oregon, Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh and Philadelphia), Rhode Island, South  Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas (Houston and others), Utah, Vermont,  Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.